Ahhhh...just finished Fat Burner. It was a step up in difficulty from Energy, but still manageable with modifications. I just felt proud of myself for getting it done and I wanted to write about it! I can already sense some improvements in flexibility. My heels are closer to touching the floor in down dog and my finger tips can almost touch in standing forward bend. Definitely feeling looser and less stiff in general.
I did drink a couple glasses of wine last night. Does that mean I don't want it enough? The rest of my eating has been pretty darn exemplary, including the food combining, the organics, and the gluten/dairy free. It's in my nature to push the boundaries and see what I can get away with, I guess. As I've said before - I'll do the best I can do, and if it isn't working I'll change what I'm doing.
I'll check in later!
90 Workouts in 90 Days
7/23/13 - Day 1: Energy
7/24/13 - Day 2: Energy
7/25/13 - Day 3: Energy
7/26/13 - Day 4: Fat Burner
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