Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 17

Feeling a lot better.  Just a bit of a lingering cough...but my energy is back!  To celebrate, I did Energy today. 

Thought for the day...What if low-carb diets work ONLY because by eliminating carbohydrates you're essentially doing the food-combining without even realizing it?  My last 18 months of low-carb living (without much weight loss to show for it, I might add) have got me a-scared of carbs.  I did decide to experiment a little though with carbs last week, and had some gluten-free pasta one day.  I did not explode, nor did I gain 5 pounds the next day.  I felt fine and the scale stayed put.

Hm...What if food combining was The Answer?

I find food combining to be the hardest part of the DDP eating plan.  If I incorporate any carbs I screw it up, because I know you're supposed to wait a few hours before switching from carb to protein or vice versa.  I'm not sure if I read that in DDP's program guide or if I just knew that from years ago reading Fit for Life by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond.  Another place I heard the same thing was in Suzanne Somers' diet books back in the late 90s.  In both cases the same things were advocated...giving up sugar and flour, and separating when you eat fruit, carbs, and proteins.  I remember I actually lost weight doing Susanne's program.   Then I gained it back because I wasn't ready to make that change permanent.

Anyway, I think it's not that big a deal giving up gluten.  It's a little harder giving up dairy, but not so hard if you can eat goat cheese (Trader Joes has goat cheese singles and also Pecorino - a sheep-cheese that looks a lot like parmesan).  But food combining takes discipline!  Or maybe just practice.

And so I'll practice.

Blood sugar update - my fasting blood sugar has been in the neighborhood of 120 for the last few days.  Still way too high, but now slightly UNDER the diabetic criteria.  Walking a fine line...


90 Workouts in 90 Days

7/23/13 - Day 1: Energy
7/24/13 - Day 2: Energy
7/25/13 - Day 3: Energy
7/26/13 - Day 4: Fat Burner
7/27/13 - Day 5: Diamond Dozen
7/28/13 - Day 6: Energy
7/29/13 - Day 7: RHC
7/30/13 - Day 9: Energy


  1. I like the food combining (which I really only did that first week), but I'm thinking it only paid off, because I was afraid of which carbs to eat because I was also trying to be conscious of the gluten thing and most everything in the house is not gluten free! SO I think what happened is that I was just generally eating a lot less carbs because I was unsure of what to eat. Who knows? It worked though. Just need to get food combining again : ) You are doing so great though!

  2. I'm starting to think maybe low-carb is just better...I'll elaborate in my next post. Thanks for the encouragement! Glad you're with me in this!
