Monday, September 9, 2013

Moving On

I've decided I'll no longer be doing DDP Yoga.

My back is well enough now that I could be doing the videos again, but I don't really want to.  I don't look forward to the strength training exercises - the pushups, squats, and other calesthenic-type activities.  I think I really just want to do yoga.  I don't dig all the spiritual stuff that often comes with typical yoga, but I can just tune that out, I suppose.

I do think DDP and the folks at Team DDPY are sincere and the videos offer a really solid workout.  I think it's kind of a male-centric workout, with all the strength training and the power moves...but of course this program started as YRG (Yoga for Regular Guys).  After giving it a good hearty try, I realize it's just not for me.

If anyone would like to follow my progress toward better health, not just with yoga, but with all things wellness-related, please feel free to visit my other blog, Against The Grain.

To those reading this, thank you for including me in your blogroll and just a little bit in your life.



  1. Heya! I will definitely keep up with you on your other blog!

  2. Yay! I'm going to keep following you too. :)
