Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Good News and Bad

The good news - I'm down a few pounds today.  Love when that happens.  Official weekly weigh in is next Monday so I'll have more to say then.

Bad news...fasting blood sugar today was 132.  One thirty f-ing two!!!  That's about 7 points over the criteria for diabetes.  It had to be wrong...I took it again.  130.  Geez.  Told my husband...he said, "Well, that can't be right.  Those test strips must have gone bad.  Test me."  So I tested him.  The result was typical for him.  Fuck.

If it had been tested in a doctor's office I would probably be officially diagnosed a Type II diabetic today.  I'd be prescribed Metformin and I'd be told to stop eating sugar. Maybe I'd qualify for discounted test strips. 

I am not going to do the 3x a week slow-boat-to-yoga-fitness outlined in DDPs program guide.  I don't have time for that.  My body is about to explode.  We're looking at an every day thing.  Maybe I'll do like the 12-steppers and do 90 workouts in 90 days.  I'll phone a friend when I'm considering not DTFP

I'm really concerned about my health.  This program couldn't have shown up at a better time.

I spent an hour or two cooking and chopping veggies to make salad-making more efficient.  Bottom line - I'm kind of lazy.  If it's not easy I'll avoid it.  Got to make eating healthy easy.

I was tuned in to the DDP Yoga chat last night, observing and lurking as others discussed diets.  Some folks doing the DDP program are on vegetarian or high-starch eating plans, and they rave about them, crediting them with massive weight losses.  I've never eaten a lot of carbs without eating it's possible it could be a healthful diet.  I'm basically doing things low-carb, moderately-high animal protein.

I'm discouraged by my blood sugar.  However, it just motivates me to work harder.

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